Panda Bear's Playhouse is an animated and interactive storybook site for children. Click the front door to "Enter" the Playhouse, but there are other fun places for children to visit on this screen. Move your mouse over various spots to explore the fun hidden in this site. Visit the playroom. Meet Gramma. Read the books in the Storybook Shelf Library. See the dancing bears in the playroom. Take a tour of the Emerald Woods with Nuber the hamster. Meet Mr. Sun, or meet Ping Pong the panda bear. Fly the planes in the playroom.
There are many entertaining games including: Word Search, Crosswords, Coloring Books, Riddles and Concentration.
This site also uses animation to hold children's interest while reading the books. Just move your mouse over the blue outlined boxes that surround the pictures. Follow the antics of Ping Pong the panda bear and his friends, as they construct the playhouse and continue on their adventures. This site for kids is continually growing and changing, so come back and join in the fun with the panda bear and his storybook friends. These books are for the enjoyment of children from the ages of 3 to 12. Explore. Click and enjoy!
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Last Updated: Thursday, December 20, 2012